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Incubateur Alger 2



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Revue de la faculté

Review of the faculty of Foreign Languages

    The faculty has a scholarly journal specialized in the publication of articles and research in  foreign languages  only. It has kept its former name which is : Review of  Literatures and Languages. The Editor in Chief of the review is Prof. M'hamed BENSEMMANE,  and the scientific committee of the Review includes professors  and senior lecturers with scientific and academic experience, teaching in the faculty, and in other Algerian and foreign universities.

Anyone wishing to publish a paper in the Review has to go through the following procedures:

  1. Create an account on the Algerian Scientific Journal Plarform (
  2. Submit the article to the Chief Editor of the Review. theISSN of the review is the following : 1112-7279

(For more details concerning how to register and send an article through the platform, check the following presentation

Conditions de publication dans la revue lettres et langues étrangères 

Revue spécialisée dans les études littéraires et linguistiques publiée par la N°13

 Revue spécialisée dans les études littéraires et linguistiques publiée par la N°14

Contactez nous

Pour toutes vos questions, contactez nous :

  • téléphone: 023180107
  • adresse e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.